Vote for
David Baskett
David E. Baskett 2024
An Aviation Professional
I am proud of my service as a director of the Santa Maria Airport District. Our airport has had a large land area, a fire tanker base and modest operating income and expenses but aging facilities. A major aviation museum is underway, and a new US Customs facility should open soon. Preliminary work has been done on a community "Air Taxi" service that can lead to new airlines. I do support a flight school with airplanes, helicopters, drones, and training mechanics. I firmly support renewable power for airport energy independence and planning for biofuels and coming electric aircraft.
I am currently building an international aerial firefighting and emergency services organization base in Santa Maria. My education includes honors in aviation technology with FAA Airframe and Powerplant licenses, Commercial and Airline pilot, Flight and Ground Instructor, and a high honors degree in Aerospace Management.
After US Army combat duty in Viet Nam, I was a highly decorated pilot and became a Flight Instructor in both airplanes and helicopters. In Texas, I was selected as an Air Cavalry headquarters company commander in preparation for possible conflicts in Europe. I am extremely proud that all three of my children graduated from Santa Maria schools and are successful tax-paying citizens. I have seven grandchildren.
I am currently serving as a member of the Noon Time Kiwanis, an elected director of the Santa Maria Public Airport and the Santa Maria Joint Union High School District. I sincerely appreciate your vote to continue the still much needed work.
Santa Maria Airport Board of Directors
“I am proud of my service as a director of the Santa Maria Airport District. I sincerely appreciate your vote to continue the still much needed work.”